Sunday, February 17, 2013

Reflection Time

It's been 5 months of this "new" life I have chosen...and as I stop to reflect, I can't believe how far I have come.  I am so much stronger than I thought I was.  I am so much braver than I thought I was.  I am so much more wiser than I thought I was.  I still have a long way to go in the process, but I am much, much more closer than I was 5 months ago. 

Throughout this process, I've learned many things.  I wish I would have written them ALL down because I need that constant reminder; a reminder that will help me keep going when I want to give up.  

I've learned that people come into your life for a reason...and sometimes its hard to accept God's reason.
I've learned that some things are priority...and somethings are not.
I've learned that I can have patience, if the reason is worth it.

I'm still learning that everything doesn't have to be all or nothing.
I'm still learning that God has something wonderful in store for me.
I'm still learning that I am not who I used to be.
I'm still learning that heartbreaks take a lot of time to heal.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's been too long...almost a whole year of me adding a post.  Therefore, I will at least post 3 things that I am grateful for today.  :)

1.  I am grateful that Jaime & Darren are my life.

2.  I am grateful for having a job.

3.  I am grateful to have faith

Thursday, October 13, 2011

No Drama Allowed

Even after a long, hard day at work with the DRAMA, seeing the smiles on my boys' face is all I need to help me GET OVER IT!!!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 1

I have always wanted to start a blog about my experiences as a teacher, especially because that's the part of my life that consumed me so much.  However, I realized that my job shouldn't consume me.  MY family should be what I would like to document more than anything.  Its MY precious moments that I experience everyday that I would like to remember forever.  And for that revelation, I thank my friend Sara for always reminding me what life is all about.

Today, I took a day off from work because I am still not feeling well.  I have had this congestion and ugly cough since last Thursday.  Even though I enjoy being around my students, one day won't hurt.  Plus, it gives me just a few more hours with my new bundle of joy.  It seems like he is growing so so fast.  I always ask him what he did to my little baby that I brought home from the hospital.  And as usual, he just smiles!

Well, as I conclude my first post, I hope that this blog will not only document the precious moments in my life, but always continue to remind me its the little things that make a big difference.

This photo is a Jaime's little foot at 2 1/2 months.  :)